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Moon in Scorpio

The first post in the Astro category is dedicated to my moon in Scorpio friends. I hope it will be useful to all owners of such moons in their natal chart. I’ve been interested in astrology about … always. I enjoyed reading about astrology, I was interested in discovering my own natal chart and helping loved ones understand the tangled language of the stars. Regardless of the system, the type of perspective on the native chart, my moon’s position in the natal chart remains in this sign (for the curious, it is either in house 7 or 8 according to the calculation method). What does the Moon in Scorpio mean to me and what to do with it?

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Much sensitivity, perseverance, intensity, magnetism, exploration and depth of desire. It has always been easy for me to “read” people, to feel how I connect from the first encounters with their deeper sides, with what they can be if they want to discover themselves. I feel when I have to act and when I don’t have to act (although there were times when the whole body was saying no, do not do that … but I chose the reverse … not to forget the destructive and especially self-destructive component of Scorpio). A combination of intuition and instinct that sometimes overwhelms me … I admit, I still do not know how to use these guns, but I promise to teach myself. The concern to understand in depth what is happening around me – if a subject concerns me, I invest energy that seems inexhaustible to find out all the secrets, all the undersets. But let’s take it step by step:

    • Sensitivity – whether it is manifested by connecting to artistic manifestations, by focusing on the environment in which I am, by perceiving the richness of my or other emotions. I would associate the sensitivity to a kind of intuition, to the unknown senses, to great receptivity.
    • The intensity and depth – I think there is a great courage that this position of the moon brings – the courage to explore depth, to look for authenticity and intensity. Sometimes it can take the form of a thirst for adrenaline or adventure, not necessarily bungee-jumping, but “ah, to do something unacceptable, to explore a mysterious situation.” I think lunar Scorpios have a great vital force, an excellent ability to cope with heavy, intense, unexpected situations. I’ve always been looking for feeling alive, whether it was my hiking or a play to which I choose to go – to feel the inner richness and intensity, even if it’s a well-hidden one.
    • The desire for exploration – maybe not a bubbly one of a moon in Sagittarius or Gemini, but a determined and full of perseverance one. For me, exploration is vital. I like to discover interesting places, interesting theories, interesting people (yes, the thirst for knowledge and exploration comes from Mercury in house 1, but here I am referring to another kind of exploration). When a Moon in Scopion wants to find out … it finds out everything! The courage that I write above and a certain fascination for the unseen can propel you to explore things that many people do not touch, not even superficially. I would stick to this desire for exploration and perseverance, which manifests itself as a kind of “until I get to the essence, I do not let it go!” – perhaps connected to the radar that detects the depth in an instant, and perseverance appears as a desire to show us that we felt right (we are also doing mistakes in our knowing, but rare).
    • Magnetism – the Scorpio’s power of attraction is already ultra-discussed … what I find interesting in the case of the Moon in this sign (compared to the Sun or other planets in Scorpio) is that the fascination it exerts is often difficult to define or understand. I believe that in this sign the Moon hides its enormous power of attraction … the result … you feel attracted, fascinated by a lunar Scorpio … and you can not know 100% why (it can take a lot of time to get to realize the true reasons for which you initially felt attracted). Yes, we can be charismatic, sophisticated, pleasant and powerful. We usually know to use our sting and we rarely feel like using it without reason. We will be attentive to the environment we are in and to the people around us and we will act only when necessary, because we know that, even without without acting, we generate emotions and reactions.
  • Power – although it is not a lightweight position of the moon, it brings the power of the game into play. For those with the Moon in Scorpio, concepts such as strength, domination, evolution, destruction, metamorphosis are essential. The tendency is to see this sign as a dark one, with a negative energy and with evil tendencies. Nothing more incorrect. For the owner of such a moon things are different. The balance between vulnerability and the strength of character, between supporting evolution and imposing force or between suffering and rebirth signifies only a few of the dance steps we do daily. Yes, the Moon in Scorpio has a lot of power that does not come with the instruction manual. Until you learn to obey and handle this power … it can be a little tricky.

What to do if we have this Moon – we or our loved ones?

Let us understand this unique combination of sensitivity, power and magnetism. Let us learn to use the power to transform us and to show others the possibilities of evolution. Let us use the courage to face the darkest aspects of reality and inspire others to realize that nothing is impossible. Let us understand that behind our enormous power of attraction is a sensible and receptive soul, so be careful to which people and in what kind of environments we offer these gifts. Let us not be embarrassed to use that “nose” that signals us when something is not for us and to more verbalize this. Maybe we will bring light over this “dark” moon position that so many know so little about.

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