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The New Leader – 31 – BEING what you say you ARE!

Today I am writing about one of the topics of self-knowledge with a strong transformative role in my life. I will combine the presentation of the personal path into the world of self-knowledge with the incredible wisdom transmitted by the key 31.

About 6 years ago I received a phone call from my friend Adriana, who said to me “Adelaaaa, I found the book that brings enlightenment!”, Referring to the book called Gene Keys, a title that was much less popular then compared to the present time . “Aaa, and by the way, I found out what your purpose is! I’m sending it to you so you can read it! Do you want me to order your book? Read the key activating your purpose and, if the information resonates with you, tell me, I’ll order your book!” And that’s how I stepped into the infinite and fascinating world of the Gene Keys.

Here is how a few years ago I read the key 31 for the first time, the key that activates my sphere of purpose in the hologenetic profile (you can calculate your profile for free here). I will detail the story of this key and the dynamics I had in my life in the words and the video below, with the hope that these ideas bring clarity and integration to other owners of 31. Until I get there, however, I will briefly sketch the path of the self-knowledge for me, keeping this key close to me.

I’ve always been a curious person, with endless “Whys?” … that were getting deeper and deeper. My parents or relatives answered my childhood questions, but as I grew, so did the complexity of the questions. At the age of 20, I was already taking the step towards the world of conscious self-knowledge, supported by my mother who told me that I have curiosities that require wise guidance, so I reached, from recommendation to recommendation, to self-knowledge schools that have impacted me. From course to course, from school to school, I got to know myself better, and now to support others in this fascinating road to knowledge. On my way I lived many experiences, I had a lot to learn and I fell and got up many times. But, enough about my path, let’s dive into the story of 31 and the connection with the proposed theme.

Located on the codon ring called the “the Ring of No Return”, key 31 travels from the Shadow of Arrogance to the Gift of Leadership and the Siddhi of Humility and has the 41 programming partner and is in the Alpha Leader channel, next to gate 7 ( typical channel of projectors). I also mention the part related to the typology of projectors because the theme of the invitation and the optimal time to guide is relevant. Because the 31/7 type leader is a discreet and strong leader, who intervenes when his guidance is requested and recognized, many of the owners of this channel experience the path (the irreversible one) of self-guidance, so before showing the way to others, the owner of the key 31 lives his own truth every day.

The type 31 leader is a leader polished by the experiences he goes through, and goes through MANY experiences, because he is impacted by the programming partner, the key 41, who likes to live and feel the thrill of the new experiences all the time. He falls and rises, stepping his way to wisdom. The fall of the 31 leader can be a fall from very high places, and the association with 41, restart codon, assures the owner of 31 that, every time he becomes arrogant and climbed too high, the fall follows. From repeated falls, 31 learns humility, learns to say I don’t know, and learns all the time from others, giving up the idea that he knows everything.

Vedic astrology sees the nakshatra in which this part of the Leo archetype is located as the bearer of the “cold fire” (i.e. the fire that illuminates and brings wisdom without burning). Many times the one that has 31/41 or 31/7 combination really know what they know … the problem arises when they remain fixed on what they know and become arrogant. When what I know can guide, when the leader knows he knows but he knows and he doesn’t know … then the miraculous gates of this key open. The type 31 democratic leader is a new leader, a human leader, who made mistakes, fallen, learned, risen and who has boldly told his own truth. And he knows that after this complete process, a restart follows, because the man open to the new is constantly reinventing himself. Sounding your own Voice / Truth, a beautiful association described in the Gene Key book … the essence of 31 and the center of the throat center defined by channel 31/7 is to live and speak one’s own truth. I’m having fun now thinking about the classic line people use in my country … “Do what the pope says, not what the pope does!” … well, it doesn’t apply to the new type of leader at all … because the new type of leader shows his life with transparency and openness and IS what he SAYS he is, and lives according to the truth he proclaims.

31 is the New Leader … the leader who … IS!

* below is a video on this topic. Enjoy!

The 31 Leader and the 7 Guide

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