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Declaration of Prosperity!

Declaration of Prosperity!

Sometimes ideas that need to be written appear out of nowhere, even in the middle of the night. What I have to write now got me out of bed at 3 in the morning, so … I start writing! For some time now, the idea of ​​writing a letter of thank to all my students and clients has been brewing in my mind, an idea that was baked today (couldn’t it have been at at a more reasonable time ???) and takes the form of this Declaration of Prosperity! It’s been a few years since I allowed myself to follow the call to work with people, guided by the energy of planets, systems, charts. I was very lucky to be seen in full transmissions and communications by very close friends who told me … “hey, you really change when you talk about Stars and Keys and the stuff alike … why don’t you do this as a daily job? “. I had no idea then what was with that enthusiasm that radiated through me when I talked to people about this and, to be honest, even now I have no idea what is with this energy. I only know that it is pure joy and I am honored that it radiates and reaches you with such purity. I decided to follow this path and officially start this sacred work some years ago. As an eternal student, I started learning again, going to school, having exams, taking certifications. They all came so naturally, so pleasantly. I liked all the information and I totally absorbed it. School is school, good, educational, useful … but, there was the practical test … how to “throw” myself in the arms of the public, how to find my niche, clients, professional and personal path in the world of Knowledge courses and systems of Self-Knowledge. And here you have extended your hand to me, my clients, students, my friends, and this love letter is addressed to you. Thank you to each and every one of you, putting here, drop by drop, the wisdom you have brought and activated in my life and gratitude, beyond words, for showing me what Prosperity means. Every 1 on 1 session is a delight, every new or old client who comes in and enters or re-enters my life enhances the joy I feel and makes my work make more sense. I assure you that after each session I am amazed what wonderful people I get to know, I am impressed by your stories, your feelings. My way to open the communication is to look at the charts, for me that compass full of planets, aspects, degrees, speaks immediately and creates a wonderful bridge between me and my clients. I may not excel in keeping in touch after the sessions with all my clients, I am a wanderer and an explorer, but I assure you that each of you has impressed me and left its mark on me. Every course I organize is a joy, a meeting with wonderful, open, playful, intelligent people. I love the light learning atmosphere, I enjoy when I can deliver deep information in a style that is easy to digest. I am grateful with every cell of my being that life brings me people who can be deep and playful at the same time. Revelations can come just as well when we smile, I wasn’t a fan of classes where we have to wipe away our tears and noses because we clean, purify and understand things. Thank you for understanding the unseen layers of information so quickly while keeping a smile on your face! Thank you all for so magically contributing to my growth and evolution … and ours! Because you financially rewarded my work, I managed to buy good books, to go to good courses, to be able to train continuously. I managed to travel, keeping alive and beautiful a magical love relationship that is a source of inspiration for everything I create on the energy of the couple. Because you spoke openly about your life, you helped me to be a better Astrologer, to write articles or to make videos in which the information is full of freshness. From you comes this radiance and this abundance of ideas and I embrace you with great joy. From my Gemini clients I learned about how duality feels in their lives, from clients who have GK 40 I learned about how important sacred work is, from my boyfriend I learned about the mysterious world of Scorpio and so on. The speaker, the teacher, the guide is first and foremost a listener. If you weren’t on my path, so open and radiant, I wouldn’t get where I am and I wouldn’t dare to embark on a field that is still, in general, seen similar to reading in coffee. Astrology is a wonderful science that finds its practical purpose when there are open and awakened people. I declare myself totally in love with my sacred work, which has become sacred through the meaning it has in harmony with you. You taught me what Prosperity looks like, true PROSPERITY! I am honored that you have chosen me and are choosing my guidance. It is an amazing joy for me to be able to live in flow from this passion and thank you for your contribution! Life as an explorer is not necessarily easy or cheap, every new journey of exploration, be it in the physical realm or the realm of concepts, requires resources and I am blessed to have you in my life and to be supported, emotionally, materially, spiritually, by all of you! This is my Declaration of Prosperity! Thank you! I love you!