The Moon (conscious and subconscious) in the Zodiac Signs

The fascinating Moon … let’s step today into the mysterious world of emotions and explore the powerful engine behind our actions … The Moon! We will explore both the Moon in the Astrological chart and the one that appears in the profile of the Gene Keys as the sphere of Attraction. In Human Design, a […]

Today is it… Closed or Open?

As I wrote in the previous article dedicated to key 12, the key I chose to represent in the wonderful initiative Unlock Your Design, today I will present my own story, as an “owner” of this activation in the sphere of EQ / planet Mars. I spent some time analyzing my profile of Gene Keys […]

12 – The Impactful, Romantic and full of Secrets Prophet

The time has come to write an article about a wonderful energy, that of the Key / Gate 12, one of the most fascinating and mysterious topics that self-knowledge and self-developement enthusiasts work with. I invite you to the fascinating world of this Gemini imprint. 🙂 This will be a topic to which I will […]

Retrograde Planets

Today’s article is especially dedicated to my clients and astrology students, but I hope it will be useful for other astrology lovers for whom this topic is important. I often get the question about the significance of retrograde planets, so I hope this article brings some clarity. I will divide the article into two sections […]

Roaaar! Here we are, on Mars!

If last week we explored the various manifestations of love and beauty in the Venusian world, today let’s take a brave step into the world of Mars. The fascinating Mars, a symbol of masculine energy, war and aggression, has a special role in astrology and is analyzed by astrologers both in the dynamics of the […]

Shine on, You Rebel Diamond!

On the last day when the Sun activates key / gate 8, I decided to write this article detailing the impact it has and has had on my life. The key or gate 8 is associated with the Style, not only the one we express externally, but also the inner one. One of the gates […]

The different Beauty Styles of Venus

Today I will write about Venus in different astrological signs and why knowing where our Venus is located in the chart is important in the journey of love and self-love. I already wrote about the meaning of this planet in an article here, so today I will go further and explore the signs and elements […]

The Moon Phases and the Archetypes they activate in the Natal Chart

As you may already know, I have a fascination for the Moon and like to understand it deeply in the charts of the clients I am working with. Not only the sign, house and aspects with other planets are important, but also the Moon Phase that was active at the time of your birth. Each […]

InDependence of Silence

Hello dear brave explorers. Today we are diving in the realms opened by a beautiful Gene Key / Gate, the ones that is now activated by the Sun’s position. So, let’s go on “route” 24! This is one of the keys that is active in my personal hologenetic profile ( if you don’t know about […]